Self-care is crucial, but is easily overlooked, although it can be considered as just as important as eating healthily and exercising regularly. It is very important to take care of yourself emotionally, mentally and physically, otherwise you can slowly start to suffer. Self-care is the practice of consciously doing things that preserve or improve your mental or physical health. Anything that you do that makes your feel better about yourself can be considered self- care, such as simply brushing your teeth or taking a relaxing bath.
Self-care will make you love yourself more, because you are showing respect towards your body, which can be overlooked due to busy lives and forgetting to put yourself first. It will allow your body to thrive, which can then allow you to thrive amongst other things- work, relationships and more.
Self-care has multiple benefits such as
- Improving physical health by getting more sleep, or being more hygienic
- Reducing stress by doing activities that make you feel more relaxed, and lift your general mood
- Boost your self-esteem by looking after yourself more kindly
- Improve mental wellbeing by taking the time to care for yourself mentally and physically
- Lead to better relationships because you become happier and healthier, allowing you to put more into any relationship
Physiotherapy is much more than just treatment for injury. In fact, it plays an important role in your overall wellness and care. If you are in pain, make sure you take the time to act and look after yourself. Don’t leave it till it could turn into a chronic problem.
How can we help?
Services that we can provide to support one’s self-care include using our physiotherapists for rehabilitation purposes or simply maintenance purposes. For example, a physiotherapist can help you review your workstation at home, improve your posture through exercise and to help increase strength in a more generic way. We can also provide physiotherapy-led Pilates sessions and sports massage.
For more information on how we can help you, please contact us on 0330 335 1016, or alternatively, please fill out the contact sheet and we will get back to you shortly.