Getting out of bed in the morning, especially during the winter months can be difficult for many people. Here are some our top tips to get you out of bed faster and make the most of your day.
- Position your alarm far away – This will force you to get up straight away and once you are out of bed it is less tempting to crawl back inside
- Make a to do list the night before – This will motivate you in the mornings as you have a long list of tasks to complete. Incorporate easier activities like brushing your teeth and eating breakfast so that you feel the satisfaction of ticking it off, motivating you to want to tick off harder, more enduring tasks.
- Prepare your breakfast – Having a nutritious and fulfilling breakfast fills you with energy for the rest of the day. Planning your breakfast beforehand will help get you out of bed as you will be excited to eat it!
- Stay away from your phone – For at least the first hour after you wake up, try not to look at your phone. Having a productive morning sets you up for a productive day. Your phone distracts you and looking at social media can sometimes put you in a bad mood- not a great way to start the day!
- Exercise – Try to plan to do some exercise in the morning. This forces your body to wake up and releases endorphins enhancing a positive mood and start to the day
If you feel that physiotherapy can help you overcome and manage any pain stopping you from getting up in the mornings, please contact Home Physio Group on 0330 335 1016 to talk to our team, or alternatively, please use the contact form on the website and we will reach out to you.