What is asthma?
Asthma is a condition in which airways become inflamed and swell, producing extra mucus. The narrowing of the airways makes it very difficult to breathe and can be triggered by allergies, weather, respiratory infections or exercise. It is not a condition that can be transmitted to others.
Symptoms can include chest tightness, difficulty breathing, coughing and wheezing.
Asthma can be managed by medicines, usually steroids and inhalers, but physiotherapy can also help.
Asthma patients can require physiotherapy for many reasons including management of breathlessness, secretion and hyperventilation. Physiotherapy can reduce dependence on medications but is not a replacement for prescribed medication.
Here are some ways a physio can help
Breathing retraining- using various techniques to normalise breathing patterns, stabilise breathing rate rate and enhance expiration. This will improve breathing efficiency and also help reduce anxiety and panic attacks.
Respiratory muscle training- if asthma is chronic inspiratory muscles get shorter and weaker over time causing problems. By training these muscles asthma will be better managed. This is done by using devices that provide resistance to respiratory muscles.
Measured and appropriate physical training- This is important to increase exercise tolerance, reduce deconditioning of muscles and improve quality of life. The exercises increase cardiorespiratory performance and help to reduce symptoms like breathlessness. Training may also include exercises to improve mobility and range of motion for patients after hospital admissions.
Secretion clearance exercises and techniques – the physiotherapist will be able to perform and also these techniques such that the patient is able to manage their condition better. Clearing secretions makes breathing easier, reduces coughs and associated problems (e.g. sleep and activity disruption) and reduces the risks or effects of chest infection. Treatment may include the active cycle of breathing technique, postural drainage, percussions.
Prescriptions– Where appropriate, Independent Physiotherapist Prescribers can provide appropriate medications; inhalers (bronchodilators and steroids), antibiotics and steroids to manage chest infection/exacerbations, mucolytics to enhance secretion clearance among other prescriptions. However, it is important to note that not all specialist physiotherapists are able to independently prescribe.
Self-management education- Physiotherapists can provide education on areas such as breathing and inhaler techniques, management of breathlessness, and on preventing exacerbations of asthma. They can also support a better understanding of signs and symptoms of acute asthma and appropriate management plan. The understanding of day-to-day management of asthma is crucial to survival and quality of life.
If you feel that physiotherapy can help with managing your asthma, please contact Home Physio Group on 0330 335 1016 to talk to our team, or alternatively, please use the contact form on the website and we will reach out to you.